About OJ

Short about Ole Jorgen Nydal

    1991               Dr.Scient, Fluid Mechanics, Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway
    1982               Siving (MSc)  Physics,  Norwegian Institute of Technology (now NTNU), Norway   
    1998-current   Professor,  Department of Energy and Process Engineering, NTNU, Norway
    1998-2004      Scientific Advisor, SINTEF
    1996-1998      Professor II in Multiphase Flow, University of Oslo
    1983-1998      Research Scientist, Section Head   Multiphase Flow, IFE,  Norway
    Norwegian, born in Canada  
    Childhood in Ethiopia  
    1981-82     Walk-about in Africa (one year down the east side)   
    1987-88     Faculty of Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy (one year PhD research)   
    1993-94     College of Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara (one year visiting researcher)
    2007-08     School of Engineering, University of Western Australia (one year visiting professor)  
    2016-17     UDSM, ATC Tanzania (one year)
    2022-23     Tanzania (ATC), Uganda (Makerere), Namibia (NEI/UNAM)  (2 x half year)
    1998-current     supervision: 12 Postdocs/Researchers, 28 PhDs,  about 130 Student projects
    1998-current     Co-supervision: 1 Postdocs,  21 PhDs  
    1998-current     Hosting 10 visiting professor/researchers in Multiphase Flow Laboratory
    Small scale off-grid renewable energy technology. Solar heat storage for cooking. Adsorption refrigeration.
    Multiphase transport in pipes, experiments and dynamic models.
    Numerical modelling: Dynamic 1D oil-water-gas pipe flows (C++, Qt, Matlab). Ray tracing (C++, Qt, OpenGL)
    Experiments:       Established and managed Multiphase Flow Laboratory at NTNU. Now being converted to energy laboratory.
    IFE         Contract research projects on multiphase flow models (OLGA type) and experiments
    NTNU    Multiphase pipe flows.  Established laboratory and associated numerical modelling and conducted projects with
             RCN, IFE, SINTEF; Hydro, Statoil (Equinor), IFP Paris, Shell, Chevron, ENI, Total, BP, SaudiAramco, Conoco, Hyundai, SubseaOne.  
             Small scale renewable energy technology. Education and research projects in NORAD Programs with universities in
             Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, South Sudan, South Africa    
    I support the NTNU vision: Knowledge for a better world.  Open universities and external partnerships are important.
    Other: Sailing, boating, 4x4, safari, injera, grand children